Dietlind Weide, Managing Owner Telenario®

Dietlind Weide
Dietlind Weide, Managing Owner Telenario®

About me

I have been working as a sustainability professional for over twenty years and as a consultant for companies looking to make the all-important transition to a more sustainable way of doing business since 2018. Essentially, I live and breathe sustainability.

For companies looking to really follow through on their strategy, I develop robust concepts fit for the ecoefficiency and social challenges of the coming decade.

From my own long-standing experience, I know just how important it is to embed sustainability into daily business operations. Which is why I offer my clients proven, innovative and actionable solutions that transfer sustainability concepts to the real world.

Consultancy profile and reference projects

Independent consultant since 2018, focusing on the development and execution of sustainability strategies.

Aviation industry – Sustainability communication within the framework of tender processes

Agricultural landholdings – Consultant for stakeholder dialogue

Food production – Strategy development and communication, integrating the EU’s Circular Economy Package (CEP) into business operations, introducing biogenic packaging

Packaging industry – Transposing EU directives related to the Circular Economy Package (CEP) to national legislation, determining the impact on product design and marketing

Further consulting qualifications

Qualification in Professional Consulting Skills, Haufe Akademie

Sustainability Professional, GRI / Certificate

Professional experience as an employee

2012 to 2018

Senior Director Corporate Responsibility & Environment at McDonald’s Deutschland LLC, Munich, Germany

Focus areas included sustainable agricultural practices, disposal and recycling, sustainable packaging, the creation of a stakeholder network (NGOs, associations, universities), participation in a research project spanning several years, memberships in various associations including the Sustainable Business Roundtable at the European School for Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin, Germany.

2010 to 2012

Director Corporate Responsibility at McDonald’s Deutschland LLC, Munich, Germany

Development of a “sustainable fast food” strategy, analysis of the value chain, development of a system for non-financial indicators, introduction of sustainability reporting, development of employee training programs.

2005 to 2010

Corporate Responsibility Manager, Linde AG, Wiesbaden and Munich, Germany

Analysis and strategy development for three different lines of business (gases, engineering and materials handling), publication of the first and subsequent corporate social responsibility reports for Linde AG, shaping the sustainability strategy during the 2006/07 merger with BOC, managing the company’s wider social engagement.

2000 to 2004

Advisor on environmental and social policies at OTTO GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg, Germany

Responsible for internal and external environmental communication, transforming from environmental to sustainability reporting, helping to set up the OTTO affiliate and sustainability consulting firm Systain Consulting GmbH.


Master’s degree in Cultural Studies from the University of Hildesheim, Germany